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Thursday, 2 June 2022


 I'm back at the Haven, early.  For the past few months my use of my office has been sporadic.  But my alarm is now set at 4:00 am every workday so I can get to my perch before the sun comes up, officially.  The sky gets light before the sun rises, so at 5:05 the river looked like this:

Note the reflection of my laptop.  It gives me a feeling of the infinitely recursive (you know there's another reflection, and another and another).

This morning I've having some yoga with Ruth Anne at 7:00.  I forgot to put on yoga clothes so I'll be doing it in my jeans.

The new floor of the kitchen begins to go on today.  I had plumbing work done downstairs on Tuesday and the poor plumber, who I got through Angi, took forever wrestling with the old pipes with their frozen connections.  I probably shouldn't have hired him for the plumbing too, since he did the electrics.  But he was dedicated and worked well past the two hours for which I'd already paid.

As of today, I'm off weed until June 30, as I prepare for a big trip.


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