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Friday 6 January 2023

Fin - Epiphany

End title of Truffaut's Jules et Jim

I woke up this morning with a strong image from last night's dream.  I haven't remembered my dreams for years, due to my heavy marijuana use.  I've now been sober for a month and my dreams are returning. 

The image was of a tall man thin man in a black suit and bowler hat walking away from me.  His arms hang down at his side with his hands slightly behind his back.  He is waving his hands, bent at the wrists, back and forth behind his butt. Something tells me the image is of Bill Nighy.

Our dreams make use of the detritus of the day to tell us something important. This image, built on the recent trailers for Living, the new Bill Nighy film, is telling me that the Will living in my unconscious is saying, "Goodbye." 


Good-bye, sweetheart.


Thursday 5 January 2023

More Pictures in No Particular Order

On our porch, Pocatello, '70s. I disposed of this coat after he died.
Reading in the book corner, Bend, late 90s.
The deck in Bend, a visit from my step mom and dad, early 90s
He is wearing a shirt from Mildred's (Pierce - super queer reference) Restaurant in San Francisco. The chair he purchased with the Pocatello house in 1973.
Visiting Pocatello, late 90s, early 00s.
Being goofy trying to stick his finger in the nose of a famous person on a subway wall.
In Florence, 2001, age 71

Pictures in No Particular Order 1

In Los Gatos before we were married
With a future doctor, early80s
with a niece, 70s or 80s
early time in Bend, '92(?)
being goofy in Pocatello, late 70s, early 80s