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Thursday, 19 May 2022

Always Learning

 Over the past week I've learned about paint and wallpaper.  I decided, based on a comment of a FB friend, to paint over some old wallpaper rather than trying to peel it off first.  

Well, I discovered that paint will cause old wallpaper to blister, thus making it MUCH easier to strip off the wall.  In fact, it started stripping itself yesterday, wrapping around the paint roller.  I still have bits of seafoam green on my fingernails.  

Nevertheless, I persisted, being very careful to avoid dripping on my new floors.  So now the two bedrooms and the living room are painted except for the art painting.

And by art painting I mean the blue sky and clouds that are going up in the art room and the perhaps tree that will go up in the living room, if I decide it's necessary.

Sadly, the bedroom space is STILL off-gassing.  Why?  It seems to be the only room with really heavy smell still.  So, even though the new bed is being delivered today I probably won't be sleeping upstairs for awhile yet.  

Meanwhile, the downstairs where the air is "good" (except that it's full of dust) is still a messy pit.  There are baskets and boxes of pens and office supplies I haven't gone through yet.  Not to mention I haven't yet unpacked my new musical instrument.

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